Tuesday, August 25, 2015

weekly letter 23

What a week... This week was super busy and draining. I have been trying to prepare my comp to leave since he will be leaving next week and this is his first area and so we have been trying to run around and set appointments with the families he wants to see and take his book around and preparing for the baptisms and... man.... baptisms stress me out... but first so fun fact.... My subject line... In the Xhosa language. The word "Ngoku" means now. So it is a frequently used word and so sometimes when we are teaching recent converts/crazy old investigator mamas that can not understand any English I usually just sit back and not say anything the whole lesson because yea.... no point because yea.... anyways when ever they say the word "Ngoku".... immediately my mind takes off and all I can think about is Dragon Ball Z and goku and yea... The Spirit prompted me to share that with all of you....  
This week we had another funeral... This place.. has funerals like no other... In the past 5 weeks I have already gone to 3..... In my last area there was also always funerals but just no one in the church knew them. In Sada... They were either members or their parents were members so then they request us to figure everything out.... Even worse is that it is mostly always less actives... like super less actives and so then our ward goes out and supports and legit no one knows even who the person was that passed away or even the family and so then we are expected to do family prayer services everyday till the funeral that week and we get up and talk about a person that we have never met before... Its interesting haha... but blah..
So we had our baptisms this week. We had 5 people getting baptized and they are awesome. So our baptismal font is outside here in Sada and.... It was so freezing! The water was super cold and the weather... right when we were about to start the baptism and step into the font... it started raining... I felt super bad for the people but whatevs.... Small price for the blessing of baptism...
This week we receive this member referral... "cause you know... member work is 600x more efficient then missionary tracting" And it is for a guy named Peter... So we go to the address looking for this dude peter and there are two houses right next to eachother with that same address and so we choose the one on the right.... long story short.... we scramble around the two houses and the people in it looking for a guy named Peter and the people dont know and then finally we find him and his last name is Peter and so that is why the buddies didnt know who we were talking about.... so in conclusion... We receive like 4 new investigators all Potential Melchizedek Priesthood Holders and man it is going to be awesome teaching them because Peter... That dude is awesome... He says he is super determined to change his life around and be serious about this "Church Thing" I can already tell that this gospel is going to change his life forever and I am super excited to take such a small role and part in helping the spirit do that.... 
 That is pretty much it for this week though... A lot happens in the weeks but then comes monday and then I totally just space out completely on what happened haa but hey still love all of you!!!  

From Left: Phelokazi, Elder Sengane, Liyema, Thabisa, Sinesihle, Simumnkele, Athi

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